through the fire

She was so convience  of never loving again, after the tragedy, with the songwriter of Ray Lindsey takes refuge and comfort in with her love for music. When soulful Quincy comes into her life.

Rae found herself in a peaceful and soluitated that threatens  that goes along with her heart.  as she was emotional drained with the death of her sister and his wife.  With the novelist Quinn  that wasn't feeling an romance feeling of Rae.

She was a sexy poet and a songwriter that had awaken something in him.  She understood what quinnwas going through, since she had gone throught the same thing.  she also realized to let go of the past and find peace in her music was so important to her. 

what he loved and adbandoned three years ago.  As their relationship was steady ground Quin forget to mention about hie six year old son Jamel. He was feeling so betray and jealious of quin connection with the boy's mother. 

Rae temporary retreeted in the support of a friend of quin's ex girlfriend.  Being after to reunit with his mother that was so supportive  of taking out the flesh of the story and had deepen it for the readers. 

To have a better understanding of quin's past, and being so straightforward in the characters, that were down to earth and very supportive. 

I can understand the story with every day live. this story was amazing and had a great meaning to it.  

4 stars



  1. This so good, I must put this on my reading list for future reads.

  2. Sounds like a good book. I may have to add this to my reading list.

  3. Melissa Cushing9/26/2022

    I may have to add this to my reading list too! Great sort blurb here and will be on the lookout when I go look shopping ;)

  4. Oh nice, I love a good story like this. I will have to read it.The cover is pretty too!

  5. This sounds like a great book to read. It is nice that she helped reconnect him to his mom.

  6. I really appreciated the depth of emotion and the focus on finding peace after tragedy, it’s something many of us can relate to.

  7. Anonymous10/17/2024

    Sounds like a great read! I'll have to check it out.

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  8. This really sounds good, I would have to check it out.

  9. Through the Fire sounds like a good book. I'll look for it at my local bookstore!

  10. Such an interesting story. It has been a while since I read romance and would love to add this to my reading list. May we know where we can get a copy of this book?


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