Why aren't you reading.

There are millions of people out there that aren't reading.  There is know reason why they stop reading. Has focused many to start reading for english class, simply don't read anymore.  It seems that many don't even take the time to read a book.

But they read articles of news and reading blog post online, but not a book? Some of us are wondering why?

1. About 51% of the individual from the uk, have read aleast one book peryear. over 49% of the indivduals only half don't read books in a full 12 months.

2. More American's  read more books about 27 % of American's say they didn't read books in 2019. 

3. Most american read for pleasure on a given day that has fallen 30%  So the younger generation read roughly 28%  compare to adults reading 19% of books for plesure on a given day as well. 

4.The American's are overrun by a wave of anti-science and Anti- Intellengent thinking.  A many poll's indecated. 

5. About 28% of the American's red more them 11 books pre years. As many choose not toeven condiser reading at least one. 

  • 42%  Many believe that life on earth was created by god, or by evloution.
  • only 33% beleive that scientist  are right with global warming is man made, as many of us regread it.  is meerly a recruiting natural development.
Many Kids have read the Harry Potter series of books, also the Lord of the Rings, series of books and you might say fansy novels as well. 

By the time they were 12-15 they stop reading . Mostly boys have gotten into computer games and even sports to. And the girls were more into friendship and all there wrench mysterious. Teenager time for watching televension had increased at some port.

For the rest of us is that life has taken over at some point. our work schedules increase. Some times we regread picking up a book.

For me I have read a coouple of book this summer but my summer had gotten so busy.  Work will be resuming soon and i will be pick up a books and begin my reading journey and try to reach my goals with reading some of my favorite books.  And writing the amazing reviews, to share with your all. 


  1. It is amazing to see so many not reading any books. There are many story that you would discover as you are taking the time to pick up a good book. thans for sharing this with us.

  2. I made it my goal to read a book a month this year and am sticking to it so far! In the past, I find that I just didn't have the time, but really it was an excuse, and now I make time to read. Also, it didn't help that I was reading a lot of nonfiction the past couple of years so those books just don't keep me as interested as fiction. Only reading fiction this year!

  3. I never understand the people who don't read. I do it daily! It's easy to make time for it. Instead of going on social media, pick up a book.

  4. I really enjoyed this post, I have to get back into the habit of reading.

  5. I haven't read very many books since 2019. Mostly lack time, due to being a single mom and having all of the responsibilities on me now.

  6. I used to love reading. Now it just does not interest me.

  7. Having, or not having, the time for it is always the biggest issue... but for hands free experience, audiobooks are pretty nice.

  8. Richelle Milar8/10/2022

    I thini I must get back to reading more books! Maybe I’m just too focused on work.

  9. Rose Ann Sales8/10/2022

    I really love and still enjoying reading books. For me reading books teaches me more about life!

  10. I still read just about every evening before going to bed. I love to read.

  11. I love reading! For me it's a relaxing activity, but lately I have no time for it and this is a pity!

  12. I barely have time for anything lately. I wish I had more time to read for fun!


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