Breaking free

walking in the footstep of her mother, Amy has a lot of Responsibility ever since her mother tragric accident.  Not just the business had she left for her and  Hartland is all about the horses. 

It's a pace for frighten and abuse horse's and pony's and help them trust again. On that day Pegasus an old gray horse standing expactantly at the door at the door of the stall at Heartland staring down the drive for hours until night fall.

Amy has learn her techniques of listening to the horses, from her mother.  After one week promising  totally a cued his behavior problems. As lou open up heartland  as an open house day. To show the people the desteration of her techniques in healing horses. They asked Lisa Stillman if they could use Promise in the demorstation, as they invited everyone to come.

On the last big day they had alot of people visit. Some of them had doubts  because of all the gossip. They start out with ty showing them methods of using herbs and natural therpy. Amy demostrated how she can listen to the horses.  Horses respond to respect not reprimands.

Everyone knew how promise was an amazing horse, now promise become a pleasure horse. Everybody was amazed and a round of appause was heard from the crowd.

The story has inspire me dispite all the trails, The two sister holding it together to save the day.  For me communication and understanding within the family is so important.  Most of all we can not change negative people, we know within our deep self.  We are the ones who will shape our tomorrow.  With the driver of our future.

We understand that things do happen. But we understand that we have to move on from it.  Life is about our future not about out past.

4 stars


  1. I need to get this book for my mom. She loves horses and I'm sure she'd enjoy this.

  2. This sounds like a really great read. I have to look into adding this to my reading list.

  3. Richelle Milar8/04/2022

    This looks like a really great book to read! I’m surely gonna add this on my list!

  4. Rose Ann Sales8/04/2022

    I’m absolutely sure that my sister would love this book! She always read book I’m gonna share this to her

  5. This is such a cool book, it's interesting how the story unfolds. I'll need to check this out! Thanks for sharing, such a great find!

  6. I guess it seems like a story about coping with grief through hard work? That could be a good read!

  7. this book sounds so amazing, And the messages is so clear. I must pick up a copy.

  8. This sounds like a heartwarming story. It reminds me of one of my TikTok followers. She rescues horses that were on their way to the slaughterhouse for whatever reason. Then she rehabs them to live their best life possible.

  9. My daughter reads everything that talk about horses. She goes crazy over them!

  10. It's a good lesson to learn, letting go of non-favorable things in the past. My son's girlfriend has horses. She loves them SO very much. It's nice.

  11. Anonymous8/05/2022

    That sounds like a great book to read. I will have to read it soon!

  12. This story sounds really interesting to me! I want to read it!

  13. I'm not sure this is something I would read as it's not my normal type of story, but it does sound interesting so maybe..


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