Fresh Elastic for Stretch out moms

One of my favorite books,  It has given me the snap back, and help me see that I can let the past go. And be able to begin again, and having the hope that I was wanting, Be able to learn to put the trust in god for so many things. 

One point that stand out to me is that my kids have broken my heart, but I still love them unconditionally.  How we tell God everything, in his own way he will help you get through it. You have to hit bottom to be able restart the hope of this new beginning. 

Especially when  their is a loss or a rebellion child.  As the author writing from her experiences and from her heart. Even though  with all the heartbreak you would be able to live it also find joy as well. Even when you're in pain.

She also shared how god heals with a lot of love.  an Coupling with supportive friends, along with a healthy dose of self-care is so important. With the emotional spatulas that has scrape our battered and bruised heart of the ceiling to see another day.

A long with all her favorite jokes, and scriptures, an her letters and reading her stories has given me hope and brings a sense of peace and renew my joy. 

 Share this book with mother's that are so overwhelmed with their loss and their children that become out of control.  Because it give you hope and brings to a joyful place. 

4 Stars


  1. This book sounds amusing. I love the title so I'll have to check it out.

  2. I love the author is writing from her experiences, and providing hope to overwhelmed moms.

  3. What a cool title. This alone makes me want to read the book.

  4. Oh my goodness! This sounds hilarious and I would enjoy this light read any day of the week.

  5. Ive been reading a few books lately and I'll look into reading this one. Sounds interesting!

  6. This book review is just so fact and heartwarming! Loved how you describe the concept, it just makes me get interested to get a copy of this book.

  7. This sounds really relatable and I think I may go ahead and check it out!

  8. Love the mention of "How we tell God everything, in his own way he will help you get through it." Sounds like a nice read! Will have to check it out!

  9. Richelle Milar7/19/2022

    Wow! This sounds like a really great book to read! I’m surely gonna check this out!

  10. Monica Simpson7/19/2022

    I love the sound of this book. Encouraging, realistic, with some humor added in. I want to read it!

  11. It sounds like an amazing book, I must read it. but I love it.

  12. It's a very good book that can help in certain situations. There were situations in my life when reading the right book gave me courage to move on. And this is that type of book!

  13. This book sounds so relatable. It is nice to have some reading that moms can enjoy.


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