After the storm

 Heartland is in the breautiful hills of Virginia.  An horse Farm that is much more then that! You might sat Heartland isn't like no other place.  It is a place that helps you heal from the scars of their past, it is a place that helps horse learn how to trust again.

It has been awhile since Amy had seen Spartan since their accident, the stormy night has changes thier lives.  Now Spartan is coming home to heartland, As you can see he wasn't himself.

He's was so fill of anger it was directed to Amy. She was in his sight, he would lash out, show his teeth his hoofs were flying. As Amy has so much healing on her to handle.  It was seeming that she was the last person in the world to help Spartan. 

But she was the only one. She was struggling with the death of her mother.  And she missed her mother so much she couldn't dismiss the responseabilty of the trailer crash. Amy tried so hard to care for Saprtan, even those her reminded her of the accident. And how it would change everything.

I love her passion of caring for horses, and how she take trouble horse to be able to trust again. And be able to race again, to be able to rope again, for even be able to ride them again. 

How a family work together to be able to make heartland a success As Amy had a raputation of being a horse whisper.  As she learned her mother techniques and the natural ways to be able to heal the horse sprit and their well beening. 

See the love story that was delevoping between lou and peter also Amy and ty.  this  is an amazing story that has a special meaning to my heart.  the story is so beautiful and has a special message to it.  It is a must read. 

4 stars


  1. Richelle Milar8/04/2022

    This looks like a really nice book to read! Can’t wait to share this with my sister who also love to read books!

  2. LisaLisa8/04/2022

    Heartland sounds like the perfect read for a cool afternoon. Sounds like a cozy and wonderful novel so far.

  3. Anonymous8/04/2022

    I just finished my book and need to jump into another book ASAP. lol. This looks like a something I have to check out. Thank you.

  4. I loved horses when I was a kid! It sounds like a great book!

  5. Oh nice, I will keep this in mind for my mom as well. She loves horses and works with them during the week.

  6. Thanks for helping me decide on a book for my daughter. She would love this book.

  7. Looks like a great book for young girls! Is the show as well?

  8. So far the books from this series seem like Lauren Brooke follows a similar formula for her plot construction, I wonder if she uses her writing as an outlet to cope with a personal loss and also share her love for horses.

  9. I'm looking for some new books to read. You have shared the Heartland series and Ill have to check it out further.

  10. This looks like a nice book to read. I will have to look into it more. Thanks for sharing.

  11. this an amazing story that has a special meaning to my heart. these are a must read for anyone.

  12. This book is on my wishlist! We plan on making one more trip to the beach this summer and I want to take this book and read it there!


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