Sweet Tea At Sunrise

Sipping on a glass of sweet tea, that solve many of the problems, having good friends, an a lot of sunshine. Seeing her marriage ending into divorce. Sarah  came home to Serenity, South Carolina to have a fresh start.

Having the support of her lovely good friends,  and seeing the next generation of Sweet Magnolia. See the emotionally wounded of a single woman, on how she could handle any crisis.

As she met a handsome stranger Travis, on one of her shifts at the Wharton's Dinner she was intrigued of the flatter of his words, She had a difficult time  with the confidence of taking him at face value.

She wasn't  certain that she would be able to trust again. The intention that Travis had In getting Sarah to work at the Radio Station, also give their relationship again.  Sarah learned that she can't trust the sweet words.

But starting a new relationship is something that she was wanting, but she had to decided if this is something that she really wanted or not.  But was she ready to risked her heart again.  As i was reading this amazing story, I could relate with Sarah, and how she was feeling. 

With the struggles with if this is something that I wanted as well.  I didn't want  to risk my heart to someone until I was ready for it.  I always wondering if I could find someone like Travis. 

So that I could have my ever after. Sweet Magnolia is one of the original series that is playing now of Netflix.

4 stars 



  1. What a pretty cover! I watch the show on Netflix so I will have to read this book.

  2. I just love the title of this book. It reminds me of a fancy tea party.

  3. Sounds like a good book. I sure do love to read too. I'll have to check this one out.

  4. Richelle Milar7/15/2022

    Wow! This looks like a really great book to read. I’m surely gonna add this on my list.

  5. Rose Ann Sales7/15/2022

    I really love the cover of this book, can’t wait to read this one! Thanks for sharing this!

  6. Romance novels aren't usually my thing but this sounds like a nice relaxing read.

  7. Sounds like a good book and I'm sure the series on Netflix is good too. I'd definitely watch this.

  8. Sounds like this book has a lot of things that we can all relate to with relationships. I would enjoy reading this over the summer.

  9. We don't have Netflix, so I'll have to check out the book! Sounds like a good summer read.

  10. Sweet tea is the wine of the south and always a great choice. This is on my list now.

  11. It is a must read, it has a special message that everyone will take a heart. thanks for sharing this amazing book.

  12. I grew up in Georgia and grew up on sweat tea. This looks amazing.

  13. I grew up on sweet tea because my mom is southern. This sounds like something she would love!

  14. The story sounds intriguing. I'm sure it's an engaging book but I'll also try to find it on Netflix.

  15. Anonymous7/16/2022

    Beautiful cover! It sounds like an interesting read, will check it out :)

    Everything Enchanting <3


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