Stay out of the kitchen

 The most delightful book that was ever written that features everyone favorite blue singer that has turned to an evangelist.

After Albertina dearest friend an business owner Mr. Mario is the proud owner of the Downtown CafĂ©,  has a heartache and losing his wife to diabetes. He has decided of his life time of love of soul food, is for good. 

As Mario vow to go healthy, both in personally also professionally as well. Tring so hard to get Albertina on board.  It quickly became clear he was looking for more than pastor support. 

While he was  undeniably romantic, Mario believes the power of the man, not god.  the only heat wasn't in the kitchen, though. Clifford was an white dj that was a fan of Albertina in the days as a blue singer.

He is now a member of her church now, he is always their when Albertina needed him. Could it be a blossoming friendship to develop into a romantic relationship of some kind. 

Caught between two difficult and different men. The pastor  also had a battle in saving his little church in the heart of  Los Angeles as a mega-church Bishop only wants the land to sit his church on. But his nephew loyalty as well. 

I love this book, the story line was amazing, I wouldn't mind reading this book again and again.  

4 star.


  1. This sounds like a great story! I like that Mr. Mario has decided to follow a healthy diet after losing his wife to diabetes!

  2. I love the title of this book. I am always telling my teens to stay out of the kitchen.

  3. This sounds like a cute book! I would like to read it!

  4. Richelle Milar6/04/2022

    This looks like a really great book! The title of this book really gets my attention!

  5. Sounds like a great read with a lot of interesting story lines.

  6. The title sounds so quirky and fun. It's really attention-grabbing so that I want to get my hands on a copy of it.

  7. This seems like an interesting book! I'll add it to my list!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful book. I must add it to my reading list!

  9. I laughed at myself. You said caught between two difficult men and I thought, 'aren't all men difficult?' hahahahhaa just kidding (or am I?). :)

  10. Thank you for the recommendation. I will add it to my summer reading list.

  11. That sounds like an interesting story to read. I will have to check it out. -LYNNDEE

  12. This seems like such a cute book! :)

  13. This sounds like a really great book! I am going to have to look for it!

  14. I am looking for a new book to read and this sounds like something I would enjoy. Reading is something that I wish that I had more time to do.


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