Simple Reading goals for beginners

 Struggling with your reading goals? I would love to learn some of the best reading goals for someone that is just starting out  with a book blog? Hacks that would get you their a lot faster. 

I am a book lover who read over 25 plus this year, I am  a self pro claimed habits and goals, goals, and learning to balancing a lot over a few months, seasonal part-time work, blogging life, and reading.

I'm here sharing some of my favorite tips to challenge yourself in your reading life, no matter of the specific goals that you have.

Below I will be sharing tips for reading goals, for Beginner, (even for the adult and advance reader as well).

I will be sharing some of my best tips reaching goals for yourself.  Implement now or years and beyond.

Four of my best reading goals I would love to share with some one that is a beginner, even someone that is so advance to get you  thinking about may be helpful  for you to achieve.

Four Beginner reading goals for adults:

Below are the most common goals for those that are just starting out.  the stages of focusing on reading, for those that are getting back into reading.  This is a perfect place to start!

  1. Reading more Books
  2. Spending more time in reading
  3. Participate in a reading challenge
  4. Join a book club
Four advance Reading Goals for adults:

  1. Keeping track of your reading ( by using a journal, Or other means)
  2. Read different kings of genres, ( more range of books)
  3. Organizes and Declutter your bookshelves
  4. Read more black list books


  1. These are wonderful tips I would be implementing to get me back on try with my reading. Also to I will be joining some of the different reading challenges as well.

  2. I love all these tips for creating routine of reading more. My favorite tip and one I will be following is to read any and all banned books.

  3. Reading is the best. I make sure to do it daily. Instead of getting on social media I just pick up a book and I do read all sorts of genres.

  4. Hannah Bures6/13/2022

    Having read over 25 books this year is very impressive! I think joining a book club would be a very good idea to try and improve my reading habits!

  5. I need to get my boys reading this summer. This guide will help me do that.

  6. I really enjoyed this post, I have to work on my reading goals.

  7. I struggle the most with reading different genres. Reading, for me can be such a form of comfort that I always like to revisit old favorites- which is what most of my personal library is full of. Old favorites, and my backlog, LOL! I'll have to give some of these tips a try just to get through all of them!

  8. It would be really nice to see kids as interested in reading as they once were. I'm all for adults reading, but I think if you loved it as a kid, you always love it. I don't see a lot of kid readers anymore.

  9. Richelle Milar6/14/2022

    These are all really great and amazing tips! I really enjoy reading this post! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  10. Monica Simpson6/14/2022

    I've been keeping track lately of all the books I have read. I didn't set a goal but I'm over 15 already which is a lot for me!

  11. I read sporadically, but always enjoy it when I pick up a book. I've read a lot of the banned books, but want to read more of them.

  12. I should set these goals as I want to go back to reading again.

  13. I haven't keep a reading log, on books that I have read I struggle with making goals. But I can't believe that I have read more books which is so wonderful how I amazing myself.

  14. I love reading and I hope to dedicate more time to it this summer!

  15. Anonymous6/15/2022

    I couldn't read a single book since January! I'll surely follow your tips and will get back to reading books regularly asap.

    Thanks for sharing,
    Everything Enchanting :)

  16. I stopped reading when I had my kids, but now that they are older, these would be a great way to get back into reading!

  17. I love reading and so do my kids. These are great tips for beginners especially join a reading cchallenge. We are doing a few summer reading challenges and we love it!


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