beyond the picket fence

 What an uplifting anthology short stories, everyone is accompanied by the  author's personal insight of the character's and the tales of  the tales, With the range a delightful tale of camping in the Wilderness to enjoy a Christmas in Disneyland.

All that matter is sharing the faith and the romance that touches generation of readers, pointing us towards  in the directions of greatness within the power of god's. It is in  my great honor in sharing the author short stories within the power of  God's love through her stories.

By sharing these short stories an knowing that you are going to love an happy ending. 

The Character were endearing, tender romances, triumph of their faith, These are the gems that reader will enjoy through the author's words.  She also bring it through several of novels. 

You will find the glimpse of  what you find beyond the picket fences. 

The author stories within her writing were so inspirational to me.  As I was reading the wonderful stories I had a sense of encouragement to me.  Know that her words I could relate to when I was growing up all the camping trips that my family took over the years had some meaning too.

Finding all the love  that triumphed with our faith was a gem to me.  Know that there was an happy ending that we as a family was looking for.   I can remember the month long trip that my family has taken with all the delightful tales and how we enjoyed our time in Disneyland

I love it. I would read it again and again. An having that little glimpse what is behind  that picket fence is so amazing to me. 

5. Stars.


  1. This sounds like a good book! I will have to add it to my list.

  2. An amazing book with a lot of inspiration with the author stories. It is a must read.

  3. Hannah Bures6/20/2022

    This book looks like a fun read! This will be my next pool side book!

  4. Richelle Milar6/21/2022

    This looks like a really great and amazing book. I’m surely gonna check this out

  5. Interesting. I have such a hard time getting into short story anthologies, but these seem cute and uplifting and definitely something worth checking out!

  6. I love reading short stories. I sometimes find novels to be dragging but with short stories, I get new surprises with each one.

  7. Monica Simpson6/21/2022

    This sounds like such an encouraging book to read after some of the dark and sad stories I have read!

  8. This sounds like a story that my daughter would love. It's a pleasant story that teaches a lot!

  9. This sounds like a cute story to read about. I'll have to add it to my list of books to read. I don't get the opportunity to read very often these days.

  10. This sounds like a lovely story. It is nice to enjoy some reading that is uplifting.

  11. I do love reading romance books. This one sounds like a great book to escape reality with.

  12. I love anthologies so will go look for this one

  13. I love happy endings! I will read this book for sure!

  14. Richelle Milar8/29/2023

    I’m a really big fan of romantic books! This looks like a really great one that I need to check out

  15. Zab Zaria8/29/2023

    The story sounds very interesting, and I would like to read it. Thanks for recommending this book

  16. I like anthologies, and this seems like something I could get into!

  17. Absolutely enjoyed your book review of "Beyond the Picket Fence"! Your insights captured the essence of the story beautifully. Your review will surely entice more readers to dive into this book. Keep sharing your fantastic reviews! 📚👏

  18. This looks like a wonderful read and may have to check this one out as I am on the hunt for a new good read! Thank you for sharing ;)

  19. I like that the story gave you encouragement. Sounds like a good inspirational book indeed.

  20. This sounds like a great book to read. I’ll have to add it to my reading list.

  21. I haven't read any short stories in a while, and it is nice to have something different to check out. My life has been so busy that it would be nice to be able to finish some shorter stories.

  22. Marie Gizelle8/31/2023

    Inspiring books are the best reads. It's worth reading to the end if one is encouraged!


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