The untold truth about blogging that no blogger would ever be told.


Blogging sucks. The untold truth about blogging that no blogger has ever told.

The truth about blogging, sometimes it does suck!

Yes, I said it!

The Expectation of the blogging world is filled with all the lattes in the world, all the words that were written, with all the cups of coffee that were drunk.  

This is read that no one wants to talk about it.  Expecting that you could make easy money as well. 

The hard fact about blogging word that no blogging wants to talk about it.

These are the cold-hearted facts of being a blogger. Let me first say that I am not sharing this information to distract you from starting that blog, or choosing this career path.

Not at all!

I'm only sharing these ugly truths blogging I want you to come into this with open-eyes and be able to have a realistic expectation.

So many bloggers out there making a six-figure income and working a part-time schedule this is the norm.  This is not the rule, you might say it is an expectation that many do have. 

So, they might have worked so hard, but got lucky in finding the right niche at the right time.   So, they are sharing all the sweet truths about blogging because they made it. 

That is not going to fly around here!

I'm not here sharing all the pretty side of blogging.  I'm here sharing the whole truth, the good, the bad, also the ugly. 

 I'm taking you over to the dark side of blogging.  You need to see and be prepared for that if you are going to do this business.

Fact 1:

Blogging takes a lot of work!

No matter what other people say or Trie to portray their own life or blogging as a career.  

Takes a lot of your time, and effort on your part and strategies action must be taken. 

It is not about writing a few articles, and watching your readers roll in.  Which doesn't work that way?

I believe that everyone can do this.  Just try to be realistic with the process.  And except that it is going to take time and a whole lot of work.

Fact 2:

In the beginning, you will be stuck on your phone and your laptop.    You will utilize all the automation tools at a time you might want to outsource to others as well.   Otherwise, you are a one-man show.

With the research, the writing, editing, optimizing, promoting, and social media are all done by you.   For the first year.

 This is the norm.  Just like I mention this in the intro.   So many of those six-figure bloggers have a lot of help.

Fact 3:

You might not have the support of your family or friends with your blogging venture.

This is one of many bloggers' struggles with talking about this.   But I feel this is something that we should talk about.  

For someone that just started their new blog to the world, they are more excited and want to share it with their family and friends, they are their worst cricket. 

This might discourage you in some way.  Believe me, it does.    Just focus on the one that needs a little help and they would love to see or hear what you are writing about, what solution you might have. 

Fact 4:

The problem is with this we don't take the time to eat lunch or take the necessary breaks that we need.   Most of the time we eat something that is unhealthy just to keep going. 

Take care of yourself in your blogging journey.  Keep healthy snacks by you and drink plenty of water too.  

This is important, to stretch daily and also set some time for exercises.

Fact 5:

The biggest thing is that other people steal your work.  Which is not cool and gives blogging a bad name?  

Instead of being mad about it just be prepared for it.  It does happen and it does suck.  Because there are people out there that are just lazy and are unofficial too.  


  1. I struggle in the beginning, running a book blog has a lot of learning curve but I do enjoy it.

  2. Blogging can be stressful at times. Those times when all the products arrive at the same time is the worst and you have 10 articles to get out in a coupe of weeks.

  3. Blogging has its rewards. But it is hard work and there are bound to be spells of frustration, as in any profession.

  4. Richelle Milar6/25/2022

    This is a really great article! I absolutely agree with this blogging is nas as easy at always sometimes it is stressful.

  5. I can definitely relate to feeling stuck on my devices just to keep up with the articles needed to post, especially when they're product review related and it's sometimes back to back to back or barely anything at all. I can be thankful to have a very strong support net of friends and family though- it truly makes the harder days much more bearable.

  6. I am loving this informative post and I absolutely LOVE blogging. Some days are hard and this year has been tough so far BUT I never quite and will continue finding new ways to keep, it rolling ;)

  7. Whew, this post is soooo true! At times it can be very stressful but in due time if you stay with it, it can be rewarding!

  8. Yes, blogging take so much work. But if you're not ready for work, then you'll never be able to handle it!

  9. Blogging is hard and it takes a lot of time to have some satisfactions! But in the end it can be your dream work!

  10. I agree with you that sometimes doing blogging duties does suck. But I always called my blog a labor of love. At some point, it will be popular enough (hopefully sooner than later) where I can earn a decent salary from it. I have in the past and will do it again.

  11. It sure can be hard because it sure does take a lot of time and effort and sometimes it doesn't seem worth it. I do enjoy it mostly though


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