The Good Stuff

How do you picture a perfect life?  That makes your marriage so perfect? 

Does Kennard and Sonia have this perfect life? With there successful careers, beautiful twins, also the most charming house that they could buy. Despite that Kennard is the breadwinner faithful to the family.

His emotional distance from the family makes Sonia Believe that a good marriage must be more then name only.

Sonia is a grow woman with responsibilities, She don't have time for make believe.

So Adrian currented love her husband. Darryl's more if she ever tried. He was the only one that could show real love. Interestingly Darryl's was so interested in making money and making babies, Then Adrian was wondering what love is does it goes with marriage as well. 

When a divesting secret that come to emerges from his past.  It seems that his vows are going to break at some point.

Two woman are heartbroken an on the verge of a divorce, when a common friend as Miss Erma invited them to a prayer group. Between the prayer of marriage comes stories of marriage, with the good and the bad with the happy also the sad.

As Sonia and Adrian discover marriage as being a white dress and giving you an happy ever after.  It is a lot of compromise, sacrifice, and a lot of patience too.

As I was reading this story it reminded me of when I was married and all the trails that I went through.  Sometime I was wandering what a perfect life would be for me and my children.  I couldn't believe that a perfect marriage would be like this.  It was an amazing book that I loved. 

5 stars


  1. This sounds like such an amazing read. I HAVE to pick it up.

  2. Oh nice, this sounds like a book I'd like. I plan on reading a ton this summer!

  3. This sounds like a wonderful read, I would love to check this out.

  4. Sounds like a book that I need to read. I will have to check it out.

  5. Richelle Milar5/24/2022

    Wow! This looks like a really great and amazing read! I would love to check this out

  6. Rose Ann Sales5/24/2022

    This is such a really great book to read! I’m surely gonna check this out! Thanks for sharing

  7. Sounds like a good book. I have been getting a lot more in to reading lately. I absolutely love to read. I'll have to check this one out.

  8. This looks like a good read and I am on the hunt for a new book! Thanks for sharing and will have to check this out :)

  9. Awesome book, worth reading especially to couples. Being content with each other is enough to make a relationship smooth and last for a lifetime.

  10. I would love to read this book. Sounds like a good one. -LYNNDEE

  11. Sounds like a great book! No marriage is perfect; they might only look that way from the outside lol.

  12. Sounds like an interesting book. I love that it's talking this complex thing that is marriage!

  13. This book definitely sounds relatable. It is nice to find a book that is entertaining but also realistic.

  14. I went through a divorce in 2020 and it was rough. My first relationship after my divorce was going down a path that I didn't want so I ended things. I'm hesitant about ever remarrying again. I'll have to check out this book, maybe it will give me some hope.

  15. I love this book, it was a story that I would relate to.

  16. Ohh sounds like a very interesting read! I need to add to my book wish list


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