The Sweet potato Queen's Field Guide to Men

 If there was an nobel committee  that offers an reward for Gender Relations, The Sweet Potato Queen's Field Guide to men the prizes to have it all locked up. As the fine ladies have devoted their time to pursit there love, marriage and great sex.

They are all busting about telling their stories. So thier loyal ringleader  best selling auther Jill Conner Browne has brought you   the Sweet Potato Queen's Field Gude to Men  a Hiliarious and highly instructive handbook all about men.

That has a love and hate relationship , and the ones we love to love, with special revelation about:

  1. Why don't they call
  2.  The Sweetist Revenge ever
The downright Crazy thing we do for love and remances.

Plus, memoriable tales of the Quess's dating adventures the shameless and low down on looking as a young as you feed, 

Along with the royal recipes that are guarantee to bring him home every night.

I love this book, as I was reading the storyline and I thought it was so funny, and I can understand what they auther was trying to say,  Men are so interesting.  Their corkyness is something  to talk about.  

It has a lot of great information  and a good read.  

5 stars.


  1. I love this book, it has wonderful information that many people need to know about men an there ways.

  2. This is the first time I have heard about this book. Looks like an interesting read though. It would be nice to know what is going on in the minds of men. :)

  3. This is interesting! I'd love to know more about men! I'll go check this out!

  4. Anonymous3/09/2022

    This book sounds like a lot of fun!


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