Good Blogger

 Blogging is my happy place which is a barrel of fun. But at time it can get old  when no one is visting  your blog or website.

Getting your blog on the top of the search engines, your man focus is the goal of making traffic come to it.  It is going to take a little time, but is is possible.

Starting a Blog or Book Blog:

Which you don't own it as of yet, Your in the process of searching for the right platform to host your blog or book blog.  There are so many blogging platforms out  on the market to chose from.

Such as Wordpress, Bloggers, Tumblur, Medium, Weebly, so much more. They all offfer many different features, to try out.  So If you are not satified, you can move it to another, that offers many different feature that you are able to uses. 

Option are free and some you have to pay for. 

Picking topic that You are passionate about:

So if you don't have a passion , about writing about your daily life. Or you have read some amazing books and the pasion of the story of each book you are wanting to write about, can make as a good read, is the way it has been written.

Many people are looking for opions or a funny story, an amazing book review or any suggestion on books they are wanting to read.  Using phone enhancing the reader experiences and brings more an more readers.

Reading alot:

One of the best way is to go through and read other blogger blog post,  Which will help you improve on your writing skills in exposing new ways of writting. Always have to be a student, an continue to learn more and more about blogs, writing skills, an etc.

The best thing is reading what you are interested in.

Designing your Blog or Book Blog:

If you are blogging about fashion or food, books etc, Then you would be able to chose interesting or an attractive theme that is related  to this, It helps attracted readers. 

TRy to make it simple, stylish, along with a professional design as well.

Learning  about search engines optimzation (SEO):

It's very basic knowing which keyword that you are wanting to focus on. These are what people are seachig for, in the search engine, how they finding your blog or book blog.  Some keyword get more searches then others.

by doing your due dilliggence in using keywords, that drive traffic to your blog or bookblog. Alway focus on post on one term and others only made sense.

Showing consistent on your Blog or Book Blog:

Your goals provides the best experence to people that are searching for them. Your blogor bookblog is a good match for them


  1. thank you for sharing this masterpiece on being the best blogger you can be.

  2. These are really good information! Now I want to start my own blog!


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