

From the Veterain to the online Journalist along with the buzzfreed novelist Doree Shafrir, has written debetable novel has approven their are some delimmas that no app  can solve.

Mack had this 600 million idea to create an app called takeoff, it was the hottest thing in tech and he's was about to lauch the new and improved version with the promise of bring inventing running.

May turn his brainchild into a 1 billion dollar business, in the startup paralance. Katya was hungry scooping up the  drive traffic, she was ambitious an young journalist was at the gossip  tech blog. Katya knew that she need  than another pr  friendly puff piece to make her bio-line for  industrial news.

Sabrine  is wanting to stay afloat at some point.  An exhaunting mother of two girls trying to excape from her credit card debt that failed as a  free lance writer, from her inatentive husband. 

Who is the boss of Katye, as she rejoins the workforce has gotten more hippier and younger and much more computer literate since she was away.

Before the ink of matt's latest draft of money is dry an eror text messages hints, that he is working to closely with the yound social media  manager in his office.   His Behavior is collides with karye search of a salicous post. 

Sabrina get's got in the middle of take off going virual for all the wrong reasons.  With the fall out of his scandel that engults in lower manhattan office bulding were all three worked. It was up to Katyle and Sabrina,  write the story of men in their life, would remained untold. 

Might have to say that this is an amazing story, that is sharp and very entertaining of a young,ambition, love, money and technology, with the imability  to hack human nature. 

I really loved this book it was fast paced and had technology that was very interesting .  Also very interesting an one thing men do suck to some degree. 

5 stars


  1. I loved this. It was sharp and very entertaining and interested and understanding that men sometime suck at some point. thanks for sharing.

  2. This definitely sounds like a must read book. An entertaining perspective for sure!

  3. I am loving the sound of this book and adding it to my wish list to read sometime soon. Reading is my favorite past time ;)

  4. This is interesting! Very timely since I am look forward to updating my reading list.

  5. I really need this book! I have my own start-up and I think it's nice to understand other's perspective.


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