Reading Goals for March

I've taken a second look at my book collection to see what I want to read  throughout the month.

I've created an amazing list along with the stack of books, that I wanted to read. But I had a little trouble keeping up with it.  I continuely find amazing genre to add to my list. 

At some point I would feel a little guilty when I didn't finished books that I had on my list. 

I will be continuely setting monthly reading goals, SO in the beginning of the each month I would be picking a stack of books, i would love to read  throught the month, keeping my forcus on reading that I have selected  though out the month of March. 

It make room for new title I would discover, some older title I haven't read in awhile. So if I have alot to do.  I will be picking  a few books in the month.

My Reading List:

Here is my book list for March and why I Choosen these titles( it doesn't mean that I have read these or that I'm recommending them or even endorsing them as well) So read at your own discrestion. So Look for my weekly book review along with an honest review on each title.

Still Alice:

This is by Lisa Genova, Alice Howland is so proud of the life she has build at fifty year's old. She's a cognitive psyology professor at Harvard and the world-renowned expert in linguistic with and successful husband and there grown three children.

Becoming Americana:

This is by Lara Rios, Does a girl have to give up her past to find her furture, Ever since the article about ran in the Ucla paper. I've  become the poster child for the American Dream. East La bad girl as slashed a cop makes it so good?

The Sweet Potato Queens' Field Guide to Men:

This is by Jill Cnner Brown, Every man I love is Either, married, Gay, or dead Why he didn't call The Sweetext revenge ever The Downright crazy things we will do for romance.

A Lady of High Regard:

This is by Tracie Peterson, Born in affluence, Mia STanley is a winsome socialite with a knack for matchmaking, she is also a writer fr Godey's Lady  book magazine.   This is the second book from the series;

After I finished reading the selected title I will be sharing an honest review on each.


  1. Love this list! Thank you for all these great list of books, will try to read just a few

  2. Love this! Thank you for all of these great list of books, will try to read a few

  3. You have quite a collection there! Great list for March!

  4. I love this list of books, I will continue with my goal for reading more books for the year.


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