My blogging goals for 2022

Read 25 Plus Books:

 I Accaully read 25 plus books, it is so impossible  to see if I could repeat itself this year. I'm hoping to read more books, I have to balances with life responsibities.  Check out what I am reading in the Month of February

There are so many wonderful book I will be reading  in 2022, I can't wait to share there reviews with all of you.

Focusing on Consistency:

I wish I would have done in 2021 be more Consistent. this had to do with writing and posting on the blog, being activie on Socail Media platforms.  I would like to post at least 2 plus a week to utilizes all my social media accounts. 

Increasing my blog views:

I'm so happy to create great content for my blog, an creating  the best user experience, having a sidebar to promote my related post,  promoting all your older post, Make sure your headline sell your  audiences on the post. 

Intract more with book bloggers:

I love  discovering amazing blog post from amazing book blogger's. In 2022  I would love to discover more and more blog that I can intact and talk about their success and encouragement  that they can give to new one just starting out as a book blogger. 

So if you are new to book blogging comment below so I can check out your blog. 

Reading more Young Adult series:

I'm hope to read more Young Adult series of books, my favorite author is Laura Ingalls wilder, much more, I am hoping to exspand my list and I'm hoping to give Laura Ingals Wilder the most talented author what she deserve, 


  1. Congratulations on reading 25+ books! I'm sure you can do the same or even better this year! Love your book reviews!

  2. These are wonderful goals to achieve, be able to be a good book blogger, and be accountable when I fall. thanks for sharing these amazing goals.

  3. These are such great goals to have! I want to increase my blog views as well.

  4. These are all great goals to have! I have been blogging for a little over 2 years and still learning


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