Little Faith


Nicholas Butler has written one of the best novel I have ever read.  A Wisconsin family of the grappling power  along with the limitations of faith that has falling to them from the influence of their church.

Lyle was in her golden years,  living a life mostly in the rural Wisconsin, with his wife, Peg, an daughter Shiloh, and with six year old grandson Isaac, he was an trouble child that was abandoned from his parents.

As Shiloh finally came home as she was reunited with Lyle and having his whole family back together again, which made him so happy.  The absence of Shiloh had made him uneasy. She was so involved with the extremists of the church, as she  was involved with the devoted pastor.  

She was so convinced  that Isaac  has the spiritual ability to heal the sick.  They reckoning of their faith and their spiritual journey.  It was lacks at some point

Sooner as Lyle was becoming more and more unease of church and keeping his daughter and grandson in his life.  The radial system's of the church is threatening the life of Isaac's and his safety. Lyle was forced to make a decision. He didn't think that his family would recover at some point.

It was set in a year later, evoking seasonal changes of the seasons. 

I found little faith to be powerful of a community and family on how the came in a way that shaken  that form both their belief.  As they would go to length  for his own.

As I was reading this book, I could feel how the character were going though.  I can recall as my journey through my religion beliefs, and how I was feeling so unease with the family that I didn't know where my place was.  

But I love  I went through great length for my own also my family as well.   This was an amazing book that I love and also related to. 

5 stars 


  1. I love this book, I felt like i had the power of my community andmy famiy it would have shaken up my beliefs.

  2. This sounds like a fabulous read and loving this so much! I am adding to my kindle wish list as I a,m always looking for the latest and greatest books to read ;)

  3. Great review! I wish had more time to read, this will definitely be on my list!

  4. I will put this on my must read list. It is right up my alley!

  5. That is so nice. I will read this soon. I hope to purchase one.


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