Key tips to keep your book blog organizes.


Raise up high you are getting organizing as part of your New Year Resolution list for 2022. In 2022, I will be getting it done at some point.

Never stay up late waiting for that particular a new book released of a special book that you always wanting to read. 

Or finishing a book review on a book that you just finished reading.

Never spend the entire weekend cleaning out your crowded email inbox. One of the biggest things, is never forget what book tour that you have signed up for.

Never let your blog become more stressful than fun.

Here are some tips that will help you stay organized and stay stress free in 2022.

1. Don't let your email inbox take control over you:

So easy for email to take over your life, It is true there are so many of them, like newspapers, other Bloggers, social media and with notification from your blog, personal email, an ACR reviews requested as well. 

Have your email bow down to you instead of letting it consume you.  It would be best to create filters that you would be able sort them by subject, or date and time of  the email that ways' received.   Before you know it you will begin cleaning up your email, all email services, has some enough feature you can use.

Also can add label, that will tell you automatedly that you have already read them. You might consider Blog admin, Personal, so much more.

2. Using a todo list app:

As much as I love talking about  How I love using an paper planner or an erase board calendar, this one amazes me. As I take the time an write down in my main todo list, all the things that I need to do for your blog, even for your personal life as well. 

So, I would like to suggest a digital planner to do list for your blog? Like as Recurring tasks, you would be able to access anywhere, Be able to set up automation to be able to schedule post  on social media, platforms so much more.

So you would be able to spend quality time with family and friends.

3. Write , Everything down:

So important to take the time and write everything down, that you have to do for your blog. On a to do, along with a due date, or what future projects that I want to do. Even writing some thoughts on an outline of  a book that you just finished.

Remember to write everything done!  weather you use a piece of paper or a digital planner, or even a calendar, or a whiteboard much more.  It help me remember what I have to do also what is so important what I need to work on.  It keep me on track with what book i'm reading, 

the more time getting yourself organized, an stay that way, by creating custom calendars, or using an whiteboard, or digital planner.  It save me time in actually completing tasked at hand. 

4. Knowing your limits:

Knowing what your limits are, don't take on so much you can chew, which leads to blogging burnout.

Like how many book that you are going to be reading and writing reviews, and posting, also promoting too.  Also the goals that you set for yourself. 

But you really want to start this series of books , but you don't have the time to write the week post, it is best not to try this.  

Make a goal of reading three books a month, and write the review of each book, but don't let the tempation take the best of you. 

5. Bartch  everything:

do a little bit then, and do more the little bit than, but don't wait for new email to come in or  checking for new comment, or keep your social media bio open.

writing and publishing one post at a time.  instead of doing something for 6 minutes 7 days of week, just set an hour a side on a sunday to pick up where you left off.  


  1. These are great tips you shared, doing a little bit instead of waiting for the one email. and continuly checking for new comments, keepiing your bio fresh you will be successful.

  2. Such great tips for everyone!

  3. I'm so into writing my ideas and to do lists on a piece of paper. I always feel like I need to make a lot of information dump and it feels so good to write it down on a piece of paper.

  4. You have awesome ideas here. I do like to write all my thoughts down. Otherwise I'll forget.

  5. Anonymous11/28/2022

    While my blog isn’t centered around books, I’ll still going to talk about them once and while, so this post is definitely going to come in handy later on!

    -Whitney Stewart

  6. Great tips!! Staying organized is something I need to learn to do better.

  7. I agree that blogging should not be stressful. I do love blogging on most days.

  8. So true. Blogging burn out is a real thing. Thank you for all these handy tips and reminders.

  9. Staying organized is always a struggle, but having a visual list helps me feel less overwhelmed.

  10. Monica Simpson11/28/2022

    I get so overwhelmed when I let my inbox get out of control! I need to get better at staying on top of it and going through my messages.

  11. I'm always trying to stay on top of organization. Making lists helps me to stay on task the best. By making a list I know I won't forget anything.

  12. Richelle Milar11/29/2022

    I really love the ideas you have here! This is so informative and helpful thanks for sharing this with us!

  13. I love the tip to write everything down. This next generation does not believe in paper and pen and I think it is so important to keeping organized.

  14. Thses are great tips and I always have mine organized and looking good. Nothing better than a beautiful library of books... and I am always reading them over and over...

  15. Being organized is so important when you are running a anykind of blog. It is so important to write a list to help you stay on track.

  16. Pretty good rules for ourselves when in this line of work, how have your 2022 new years resolutions been going?

  17. Anonymous11/29/2022

    You've shared some great tips 🙂. I always write everything on a plain white paper or diary!

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  18. I think that everyone should use a to-do app. It definitely make the work easier!

  19. These are awesome tips and suggestions. I don't write anything down or really plan out my content. Believe it or not, I fly by the seat of my pants. I do use a blank blog post and fill in a title if I think of something to blog about so I don't forget about it.

  20. Great tips! I check all my emails every single day. I also have a calendar where I write down my to-do list.


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