How to write a book review for your blog

The age of social Media were  there is a million in on ways to connect with your audiences, untimely million of people ask the same question over and over again, What am I going to blog about!

One of the better ways is to write a book review for your blog?  It seems to be a challenge to write a memorable review of a book, But with these tips below, you will be to build  a conversation with your readers and keep them coming back for more.

The must have steps:

1. Introduction  the subject or the story line, what type of book is it, 

Identify the book by the author and it's title
Specify the type of book such as  a fiction, non fiction much more
Mention the theme of the book

2. Briefly Summarizes' the Content:

NonFiction provided with an overview of the storyline,  your favorite quotes, or phrase quotations that inspire you. 

For the work of fiction, give an overview of the  story to inspired your reader to pick up a copy.

3. Include graphic, beware of the Copyright:

What grads your reader attention is the book covers, show  off the book cover by using graphics. 

When it comes to book covers,  You would be able to go around copyright issues by picking up a copy from or your local library.

4. Provide your reaction:

Take a few minutes and describe your book, was it interesting or not, memorable, makes you laugh or cry, along with why?

Explore the interested the book raises. What are the possibilities does the book bring up.

What are the large issue of the book you read, how does the book affect you. So how your opinion of the topic have changed at some point. 

5. Provided links:

Enrich your book review with links that service as a springboard, to allow reader to be passionate about certain genre, authors, or topic to learn about.

6. Be honest in your book review:

Be honest through your book review. which is so important especially stay true to your blog, as your readers trust what you say.

Writing book reviews for your blog is a wonderful way to share your honest thoughts on books that you are recommending your readers to read. 


  1. This would be an interesting concept to add to my blog. Thank you for this idea.

  2. These are honest tips you can implement right away. Great tips thanks for sharing.

  3. These are really helpful. I can give this a try soon.

  4. Great tips! I will follow it. I will share it also to my writer friends!


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