Tuesday morning with Morris

  Was the final lesson between a college professor, and his long-lost Student, Is the author of this book Mitch Albom.  

After seeing his Professor interview on Nightlight television show, It reminds the author of a promise that he made 16 years ago to keep n touch with him.

Now stricken with Als Morris doesn't have As he travels from much time, as mitch has recognized that fact

He travels from Michigan to Massachusetts to meet with him.  These meetings were going well, which affected Mitch and Morries so much that they decided to meet fourteen consecutive Tuesdays until Morris passed away.

During their meetings, they would decussed a variety of topics of life.  All the topics are discussed in this book, including death, culture, marriage, love, and regret.

Readers feel the emotion as they are reading this book, with the range of happiness along with sadness.  You will be wiping the tears from your eyes as you are reading the entire story.

It makes the reader think about their own life, ponding their age, forgiveness, family, compassion, mentor of life,  Just like the author was doing in the course of this book.

As I was reading this book I was taking a look at my life, and starting to understand some of my life and what goes into it.  Having forgive what happened in my past, and let go of what I have regretted for years, and start living again.  

Be able to make the changes And be loved and happy again. 



  1. I love this book. I read it twice.

  2. Thank you as I read it there was meaning that went along with it.


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