What would Barbara Do?

Emma Buckles didn't always love musicals. In fact, she always hated them. One of her early and was more painful memories is of her mother singing. " The hills are alive, as she was young crossing the street with her babysitter gig.

According to her mother, the music was mudding at bay.  According to Emma, it was warded off Friends, social life, by taking the chance to be normal. 

As she grows older,  however, the same song is running through her head  It felt like a broken record, fond memories of her mother's love.

You might say these people would cut off the right arm instead of sitting through Fidler on the roof or the sound of music. Musicals are everywhere.  It is about time some asked this question why? From the American in pairs to Oakland.

As the author explores the art and the history and politics of a musical.  How they have become a vital part of popular culture.  The author has written witty and with grace. This book, it answers the question that many people have asked, with a better understanding of the few situations What would Barabara Do? 

Which doesn't have any reliance in the world today, But it better to live on a soundtrack of a show tune It is a heartful story between a daughter and her mother as musicals have kept them together. 

This is a brilliant story that makes you laugh and cry. I loved this book.

3 star


  1. This does sound like a story I would like. I'll add it to my list!

  2. I need to read this book. Sounds like a really good one. I'll have to add this to my list.

  3. Not heard of this one before. sounds like quite a different read to what I would usually pick up

  4. LisaLisa5/16/2024

    This one sounds very interesting, I need to add it to my summer collection of books to grab. I love a book that will make you laugh.

  5. Looks like an interesting read. Very timely since I am already almost done with the book I am reading. Will try to look for a copy of this book.

  6. It sounds like an interesting read, yes it was. It make me laugh and cry as i read it. which I love it as well. a must read.

  7. What a neat premise! I think I could enjoy reading this book.


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