
 Rye was a fearless, frightened dog pilot, charging with flying a cargo plane to a far-flung location,  often talked about.  

He never gets the eight hours of shut-eye that is required before his next flight.  But he doesn't have a solid plan. He will be flying in the foulest weather, day or night, to safely deliver their goods to their destination.

Rye was scheduled to fly into a fogbound to a little town northern part of Georgia. The Deliver was a mysterious black box to Dr. Lambort, He doesn't ask what the price is.  He doesn't even ask why. 

His plane arrived at the isolation landing strip, more trouble was waiting for him as bad weather had arrived.  He was met by Dr. Brain O neal claimed to be shipped a  box to Dr. Lambert. He doesn't ask about it, He just wanted to ups the price. 

Rye was nearing the isolated landing strip, more troubling instead than inclement weather waiting for him.  He is being treated by a sabotage attempt that caused him to crash land.  Who claimed to be sending a box for Dr. Lambert stated.

Rye no involvement, he makes it a policy not to get involved in other personal problems. But he found himself drawn to the cargo with the mystery and the attraction of it.

So Rye and Bryan had a race toward delivering the box before the time has run out.  Within an hour law enforcement had hired thugs who were hot on their kneel.

They were protecting their cargo from those that were going to kill them. As they have to trust each other.

This is one of the best thrillers that I have ever read. 

5 star


  1. Wow sounds intense. Somehow reminds me of cast away. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I felt the same, as I was reading it. Your very welcome.


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