How self- discipline can help you in blogging.

 One of the most popular quotes that many beginning bloggers hear when they start their blogging journey.

"don't Quit Your Day Job", Many bloggers waived off the warning, They come to the realization that the blog that they have is a little hard work than they imagine.

Self Discipline

Blogging is the most competitive industry.  A major point to consider your blog above the batch all the rest is Self Discipline.

There are so many sources that state that many blogs would fail. Many are wondering why?  I started a blog, about simplifying your life, and I decided to quit when the initial passion had faded at some point. I pushed myself to continue with blogging even though I was only getting non-traffic  I was getting. I found that My blog needed some time.

Self Discipline is one of the important parts of character we need to be successful in the online world's venture. 

Self Discipline is part of blogger's ability to carry on when they are not doing well. 


Time is an important factor in blogging, to give you the time it needs, scheduling time is something that you are good at. 

It is so difficult to continue with writing, In Realized your only receiving just a few hits at a time.  It is a possibility that your blog is lacking the time that it needing to be will index in the search engines.

Keep in mind time is so important to build strong backlinks for your blog. 

Creating good habits

 Creating a habit is one of the main parts of continuing to grow your blog.  this requires two factors of time and interest.

Creating a habit of writing at the same time. Another habit that you can create is taking a look at your traffic once a day.  To keep your focus on that task at hand. Enjoy the niche that you are blogging about.

A blog should be started if you love to write and helping other people and discussing certain topics. 


  1. Great post and I love where you said never give up. Blogging doesn't happen overnight. I've been doing it for over 10 years now and am still learning new things every day.

  2. You absolutely have to keep yourself in check if you're a blogger - or self-employed in any way, for that matter. It's so easy to put things off.

  3. I try to always have a schedule for blogging. I know I will have 3 new posts a week. I think having a schedule is a must.

  4. I still view blogging as more of a hobby, but I do make some income with my blog, so maybe more of a side hustle. I don't think it's something I could ever turn into a full-time job though.

  5. Self-discipline is so important when you work from home. I find that working upstairs helps me get more work done.

  6. Thanks for sharing these tips, having self-discipline is so important.

  7. Yep - these are all important! I'm so glad I got into blogging over 10 years ago.

  8. Richelle Milar4/27/2022

    I’m surely gonna keep this in mind! These are all really great and very helpful tips!

  9. These are so helpful tips that i will be implementing in my writing as well thanks for sharing this.

  10. This is something I struggle with on a weekly basis. These are such helpful tips that I will definitely be keeping in mind! Thank you for sharing.

  11. Self discipline is everything when working from home. I can say that not all days are the same and sometime you really need a new tip to improve yourself and your work.

  12. Blogging has been a hobby and a job, and it definitely takes a lot of self discipline to keep a website running. These are great points.


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