How do you define your blog

  What is your blog about?

Millions of bloggers have been asked this question from time to time,  How do you answer this question?

It is a kind of question that many pro bloggers struggle with when they first started a blog. 

What kind of niche are you going to writing about?   Do I need a niche?  How do you define your niche?

I'd thought I would put a few in a blog post and with suggestions for three ways to define what your blog niche is all about. 


Let talk about the obvious one  Choosing a niche to blog about.   Many bloggers classify their blogs in this way.  Mostly at the basic level of a blog and blogging (so True)


Reader fit fairly and squarely into a niche.  There are quite a few of you squirming to the comment section to tell you that your blog doesn't fit into the niche.  

Perhaps thinking about who your blog is for rather than the topic it is about is a better approach.

A Fight:

Rather center it around a struggle that your reader can identify with it.  Blogging is being seen as a pure medium that was supposedly be used for self-expression.  There were other that shared my passion.

These are important key points of a blog.

How do you define your blog:

Do you have a niche, a demographic, along with a fight or do you think of your blog another way?


  1. These are wonderful tips, Having a niche along with demographic is so important. Do youhave the fight along the way as well?

  2. Very interesting points. It was very important for me to know why I am blogging and understand the impact it would have on others. Thank you for sharing.

  3. This is a good read. You need to find your own niche to write a better blog. -Risa Lopez

  4. This is a good read. You need to find your own niche to write a better blog.

  5. Great tips! I'm doing a blog about my passion, travelling!

  6. It define what your blog is about, also amazing tips. I'm doing a blog about my passion of books sharing amazing review of books i've read. thanks for sharing.

  7. I think defining or determining your niche is important. You need to have a specific target audience.

  8. This is a wonderful post and very helpful to anyone with a blog. It is all about figuring out what your blogs niche is per say… very cool!


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