Finding balance with your blog and family life

 What attracted me to blogging is the flexibility of having something that I can call my own, Be able to express what I am currently reading, work at home, and care for my family,  Having my home run smoothly. 

Able to care for my boys look after them as well. The plan was to work part-time. Where blogging was going to lead me. It really didn't work out that way. I ended up taken in part-time work became the primary caregiver to my wonderful boys, blogging became a part-time gig.

Some advantages of blogging when you have a family:

Although I work part-time blogging,  I can be involved in our family life, I'm here when they leaving for school and when they get home, to help them with their homework, spend quality time with them. Be able to connect with them in a few minutes.

Be able to take them to school also pick them up from school.

Be able to attend all the after-school functions much more.

The best part is that you would be able to be there and take care of the necessary things so your home will run so smoothly

Be able to volunteer in class from time to time.

I love that!

There are many starting blogging when they are transitioning within the family, they are home for the very first time with small children after having a professional career.  Wanting to use their skills in a way around their family.

Setting some time for your family and for blogging :

So attempting to do blogging stuff while you are doing family activities. Sometimes it is necessary to do, or while your children are watching a movie,  or supervising them.

I do much better when I focus 100%  on blogging, and 100% focus on my kids. 

So important to be organized and being the focus.

Organizes as possible as you can:

Being 100% focus on my work, I get more down when half a day, so I have a whole day concentrating on what matters.  

I can tell you so many organizational tips, Just works out what matters, making a list, and crossing off items when completed.

Talking about your work boundaries:

Your schedule should be communicated with the people that are around you.  


  1. I have set times where my family knows I'm working so they leave me alone. But I always make sure it's balanced out so I have plenty of family time.

  2. This is so important for any blogger - new or long-time - to read and really take in. It's all too easy for us to let our blogging swallow up our lives.

  3. When I started blogging (ten years ago) I was constantly getting phone calls from family members. I finally told them that they shouldn't call during certain hours because I was working (unless it was an urgent matter.) Then I let the answering machine take care of it if they called during those hours.

  4. I still sometimes have trouble balancing the two of them. It's not always an easy task. I usually work when the kids are in school and take the rest of the time off when they're home.

  5. Richelle Milar5/12/2022

    As a blogger for almost 4years it is really important for us to know how to balance our time. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  6. Rose Ann Sales5/12/2022

    This is such a great and very important topic to talk about. We need to learn how to manage out time with our work and family.

  7. Finding the balances with blogging with family have been some kind of struggle for me since I've been blogging for 4 years.

  8. Love this! It does take some juggling at first but you eventually get in a rhythm!


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