Wanting to be more organized with blogging? Being a successful blogger, investing in yourself with constantly learning and growing.
But you still have a little problem with it, and the theory behind it. You will accumulate a lot of resources go along with the idea you would not know what to do with it.
You might have a notebook filled with ideas, some might be written on toilet paper, and the rest of them on post notes, with tons of ideas written on them.
You are so excited you want to share How to organizes ideas along with their resources. It definitely comes with some frustration. You might say that I have a conversation with my frustrations.
Now is the time to blog:
I had the opportunity will I was sitting at the doctor's office, writing an outline of a blog post I was creating. I don't recall if I wrote it in my planner or not. My notes, or an outline that I started. I looked in my planner and it was not there.
I recall just caring about my phone!
Did I write it on Post notes, or did I write in drive:
I just wish I took my own advice When it comes to a blog.
I needed some kind of organization system, that will maximize my blogging time. Having a system I would not be doing a job without all the tools I need to write an amazing blog.
It was a lot of trial and error.
Do You have the desire to sign up for all the new, organizational apps? They are fun, but sometimes it is hard to manage all of them, It is impossible to keep up with them.
A system that you regularly for your work computer, one for home, one for your mobile device. One of the differences in using an app accepts on which platform you are going to be using.
Struggling with using that product that does or doesn't ingrate with other apps and finding the perfect mix.
In other words, you might have a short of ideas a little problem trying to find them when you need to use them.
What makes a good system:
How do you decide which tools to use? Systems are a little tricky, I have read a blog post of solutions other have come up with. I know that system they create wouldn't work for me. We don't work the same, and a perfect system does exist.
It is really up to you to figure out what works for you.
It has to be a simple one:
The simple tools are better, the system that you create sometimes can be a little complicated. You might not stick to it.
Most of the blog posts share the apps Trello or Asana, which is one of the best organizational apps, like an editorial calendar. By the time that I finish reading the article, I am convinced that I would never use it.
Three key points here:
understand the tool
Use the tool as it is intended
Restrict the number of tools you use.
Your organized system has to work like you work? Do you free write a whole outline of a blog post? Do you collect links and phrases and put them on a post note. Know that you can build a blog post off of it. Do you get the inspiration for a blog post while you are driving?
These questions will help you pick the right tools to use.
It must work where you work:
You have to know how you work, surprisingly many writers haven't taken the time to use it.
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