One of the finest first-hand picture of American Pioneer life that was ever written by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Laura at the age of fifteen it was a long and hard winter that was finally over, Spring came, and seeing the people of De Smer come outdoors, and began to live again. The Church was holding all the family socials, dances, and literacies.
When Summer came Laura worked very long hours at a job she didn't care for. Making a variety of shirts, She wanted the money to send to Mary in college for the blind. Suddenly Laura grew up to be a very pretty young lady
That was taken by the dashing Almonzo Wilder escorted her home in the evening. She also made time for her new caller Almonzo Wilder.
Little House Series Tells the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family, who were among the early pioneers of the American West.
So if you like Little Town on the Prairie You will also enjoy the eight other books in the Little House Series.
The First Four Years
These Happy Golden Years
The Long Winters
Laura Ingalls Wilder has written an amazing story as a children's book, As a child Little House was my favorite series that I have read over and over again, Years later They made her books into a television series, as of this day I continue to enjoy. As I'm handing it down to my son to read and enjoy it too.
5 Stars, The Best book I ever read, I would read it again and share it with others.
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