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It was bright lights to a catfight...  Katie going down like a bad pun. From her as an anchor of a popular breakfast show to Hello Britain!  Replacing with perks, young Back Stabber Keera, she was in hiding from those cashing in on grace public fall from.

Fleeing from the luxury Londo flatware she was seeking solace in the arms of her parents in the drinks cabinet along the way from rediscovering bob, her brother's best of friends the most gorgeous man alive.

Katie's has reckoned without the press. before then flattering pictures and stories go around town, just the kind you don't want a new boyfriend to see it.

As Katie needed to get back on top, but can she drag herself free from the tangles of showbiz and regain control of her life. 

She is a journalist and a presenter for Gmtv and sky and sky news, The author gives use a comic novel darkly about the fall and rises of a tv star After being publicly sacked from her morning job.  As she got off her feet. But still, wondering if there is life after the sofa?

I Was reading this book, I felt that the story was just like a comedy I felt sorry for the Character Katie when she sacked on American Television, which left her jobless, and sleeping on her sofa.  As I continue reading it.  I felt the story was really didn't catch my interest.  

I felt that the author could have written a better story that would sell millions of copies. 

2 star  I really didn't like it, it wasn't fun to read. 
