5 ways to start a blog

We are going to be talking about blogging is one of the most popular ways to streamline your income.  You see so many people that called themselves a blogger.  So if gamma wants to be one of them and put your views on the internet and spread your knowledge.

I will be teaching you how to create to begin using a blog. In a general sense or by using a specific platform such as Bloggers, or WordPress.

Write a list of your interests:

You have to define The intention of your Blog's you really need to have a general idea of what you are going to be writing about.  Having your interest and categories which you are going to be writing about is known as a blog niche. 

These are the  most common topic to follow:






Have a general idea of what you are not to blog about:

Never blog about your personal information, not even your or someone else, even any personal details your not wanting to share with people that are next to you.  You shouldn't blog about that.  A convertible blog post that will give you temporary popularity. 

It also comes with con's less safety and targeting.

What is your intention with your blog:

By having in mind your blog topic is a good start. Your blog needs direction to get off the ground. A common reason which includes one, that can certainly find your inspirations. 

Might want to teach something, the Best suitable way to instructional blogs.

Entertaining Well suitable with a variety of comedy writing fanfiction so much more.

Inspire others Is a variety of a topic that stands out on their own it's best to fit other intended for others. 

Check out other blogs in your category:

Since your blog has been established your blogging topic and goals, research other blogs in your niche or perfect the writing style to see how they engage with their audiences.

Brainstorm Blog Specific:

There are two things you should know before you create your blog, and design in that it looks good to a trained eye.

Blog name:  Design a name for your blog that you feel comfortable sharing with others, it can be combined with your interest, blog content. Design something that you are going to remember.

Blog Design: you Properly couldn't design your blog how you are wanting it to look. Just have the general idea of what color and the sizes of the front before you start creating your blog. 
