2021 Reading Goals

Since I started this blog I will be going to be posting my reading goals for the year, which I will be evaluated in January.  Reading always be fun,  I love to challenge myself. So keep on reading if you want to read more about my 2021 reading goals!

2020 was a wonderful reading year. My mood was inspired by the many good books that I was reading and the new adventure that I discovered.  Towards the end of the years, my mood was a little off. ( It was excepted after the year we had.)

Some of the goals I didn't do so well on haha.  I'm going to continue trying. I hope that 2021 is going to be an exciting year filled with books. Here are my goals will be challenging myself to accomplish within the year.

GoodReads: I am planning on setting my good reads goal again this year.   I'm thinking of going with 30 books again. As I was typing this I've read 10 plus books. I think 30 is a good number for me, and it's only fun when I managed to read more.

Re-reading: this wasn't a goal for 2020 but once again, I really have been wonderful picking up a book for the second time There are some series that I want to re-read in 2021. I'm going to be setting a goal to re-read one series a month.

I would like for this year is to finish one complete series, I will be honest I don't know how far I'm going, but for 2021 I would like to set a goal to finish a complete series,  With the many series that I have read, except for the last book.

Book Shelf:   I'm going to set a goal to read as many books from my personal library.  

So these are my reading goals! Are you setting goals for yourself in the New Year? If so let us know in a comment.  We would love to hear from you


  1. wow you've already read 10 books? Amazing! My GoodReads reading goal for the year is 20 and I haven't picked up a book just yet! But hopefully given that we still have a lot of time sheltering in place, I will be able to achieve my reading goal.


  2. Yes, If my schedule allows me to. Once I Start reading a book I take it everywhere, Be safe and happy reading.


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