How can I double my twitter follower in 5 min a day for success


Wanting more and more followers, You're wondering how do you do this, Could this be possible to do in 5 mins a day. 

The biggest question I still want to ask can this really be done with that timeline that was set. Can you imagine your Twitter follower to increase to 200?  This is hard to believe, is it!

What if you have more than that?

Congratulation on that!

It doesn't matter if you are wanting to grow your follower too. 

Here are some simple tips that will help you too. 

The Perfect Bio:

Before anyone decided to follow you They check out your bio. Make sure that you have everything filled out along with a great photo of you.  At least one that catches their eye.

More tweets:

One of the standard reasons that if you are not retweeting their post, No one with retweet yours. This is a quick way to get more followers. 

By getting more retweets, you gain more followers.  Tweet consistently.

Schedule your tweets:

I do agree with this tip!  Scheduling your tweets on social media saves you time, it leads you to more followers too. 

You're wondering how and why?

Because it makes you more consistent and predictable. 

The follower is excepting tweets, post a set time per day So for any reason you stop your consistent, you will fall off their radar. 

Finding new Followers:

Finding new followers that have the same interested as you, which is so critical in twitter growth. The influence of followers in the niche that you are in,  be sure that they retweet your post or tweets, once or twice per day.

This shows them that you are engaging in the Twitter community, that you are willing to give back. A Twitter list is a great way to connect with followers, and content to retweet.

Keeping your followers engaged:

It is so important to have posts or things for your follower to engaged with. To make them click or retweet your content to promote your blog or website. 

So if someone retweets your content  Reply back in a personal message and say thank you. 

You're the best:

You can see your followers increasing by the min? I can! So important to use tools and stay engaged with your audience. 
