Why no one is reading my blog

 As a blogger also a business owner, it can be challenging when creating an online platform, Your finding more things to do if time will allow you, there might be a new program or networking that is distracting you from looking at the bigger picture.

It's so easy to feel like a hamster on the wheel, No knowing how to get off! You still wondering how to sort through all the clutter and chatter focusing on what is most important In creating a successful blog or business. 

 How do you go from one blogger in the seas of millions to actually reach the people you are wanting to reach?

I hear many bloggers are asking this question: "They have a blog, no one is reading it" How do I get out there?

The first thing is to figure out what your audience is going to be.   Then survey them to see what they are wanting.

The second thing is to tailor your writing to what your readers are asking for.  Over time you will be able to fine process to growth. 

After you hone in on who you are writing to, Sharing is so easy, So when you are ready to share your content with the world to get as many eyes on it as possible!

By working on your blog internally, also need to work on blog promotion.   Also working on your writing schedule,  working on what kind of topic that your readers are wanting.  So Much more. 
