By Kathleen Norris
Why would a married woman thoroughly live in the background of the protestant often in doubt than faith be drawn to the ancient practices of monasticism to the community of celibate men scheduled around prayer, work, scriptures?
This is a question the poet Kathleen Norris has asked us as to the surprise of her own journey as she extended herself in two residences at St john Abby in Minnesota.
Partly recorded her time among the Benedictines part meditation on various aspect of monastic life. The Cloister Walker demonstrates to the insiders and outsiders how to immission a cloistered world.
Are the senses of community or are in ritual Having the impart meaning to everyday life and being secure in events leading to it, that deepen their lives.
In stirring up their work and the monarchy often implies to archives other words it's relevant for us. doesn't matter what faith that we might be. It has to be accessible and it must be immediate too.
As she felt her own marriage enriched; through the communal reading aloud of the psalms every day. Her notion of the ancient oral tradition of poetry came into her life. The task of laundry took a new meaning through the lens of Benedictine ritual.
Reading these words written by Kathleen Norris has given me a sense of life through the relevance of her poetry. As we can compare our lives to hers in the modern-day. I really enjoyed this book so meaningful and has taught me a lot.
4 stars, I read it, It was enjoyable to read
Kathleen Norris was born in July in Washington DC she grown up in Holanlule, Hawaii, as well as her marital grandparents from South Dakota.
Her upbringing has her unprepared for the world she was going to be encountering in her life, she was surrounded by her, She took refused in poetry.
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