5 things you need to do immediately after starting your blog.

 Do you know one thing that fears New Blogger up?

They don't know what to do next after they started their blogging journey in starting a blog?

If they are going to purchase a Domain name and hosting or just to use the free platform such as  Bloggers or word press so much more?

So if haven't done that yet, Just go back to the first thing when you started your blog, and get it done first, so this article is building up to that.

Well, you start publishing your content, so is there anything else that needs to be done?

The list contains exactly what you need to do every time you register a new domain for your blog.

It will contain fewer strategies, (defining your blog's target audience)  but it is about practical stuff you need to do right now. 

1. Site Map:

Setting up a Google site map and telling google about it, It is easier for Google to crawl your website and rank your blog post.

So if you are going to be using WordPress, One of the easiest ways to create a sitemap is to download the free Yoast Seo plugin.

2.Setting up Google Analytics for your website:

You will need some codes within the </head> and </head> tags of your website to verify if it is yours.

Google Analytics also keeps track of the number of page views and visitors that come to your site and your blog, how many people are finding your site, tracking real-time visitors, and much more.

3. Writing your Blog Title & Description:

Every Website has a website Title and description that indicated to everyone what your blog is about. So if you are going to optimize this with keyword it tells Google what your blog is about.

4. Setting up relevant Social Media Accounts:

It depends on what social media network that you are going to be on.  By setting up your social media accounts. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Pinter, Instagram. just remember to use the same social media handle on each social media accounts. 

Also, standardized your social media descriptions.

5, Brainstorm 5 topics for your blog write those posts, and publish them:

Once your blog is up, start writing some post, Every beginner bloggers will face having an empty blog, not knowing how to get the momentum started.

So Happy blogging. 
