where or when

As Charley was reading the newspaper a photo had caught his eye.  Siana  His first love, a face that hasn't been seen for decades. As he entranced her photo flooded by so many memories and their story of there teenage summer together. 

And he uttered that he wanted to make contact with her again.  As Charley wrote Siran a letter, From the first sentence and his very first note there is nothing innocent about it.

Siran wrote back, telling him she was a poet and has a loving husband and two small children that live with her on a farm in onion Pennsylvania. She was wondering why he was looking her up after all these years, so worried where and when their correspondence may lead.

For Charley was in the mince of financial woes, losing his homes, concerned about his security and his family to The letter became an obsession, consider it another source of an unstable life.  As his life was so complicated enough.

He was desperate enough with the revelation of his power with Siana.  They had an attraction that leads them to meet again and again. As Charley understands the euro's between the two of them it's linked with time. Charley was dreading the time of urgency of time and the sense of minus together is short and numbered, he has to tell her what she has come to do before she leaves again. 

He can't waste the gesture and words he wanted to say to her.  The author takes a very old classic Romeo and Julia and gives it an unusual twist to it.  About two lovers beating the olds and reaching a lifetime to reclaim what they have lost. 

As I was reading this story I found a sense of myself in the characters, I wondered what I would lose when My life is so complicated as well.  So found the practical solutions to create a happier life for everyone to enjoy. 

5 stars, one of the best book that I ever read, I would share it with others, and I would read it again and again.  


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