September wrap up/ read something new and discover a old favorite.

Welcome to my blog! I am coming to you with a September wrapup!  The month of September started out slow and steady, and I read some of my personal old but good books, I really loved and enjoy so much

I had smooth assessments towards the end of the month. So my reading and watching started to taper off a little bit, towards the end of the month.  Overall the month of September was one of my busiest months ever, with a little stress towards the end of the month. 

I'm so excited to see what I am going to be reading in October. From time to time I host a Read A Thon one will be coming up very soon. Just look for the announcements.


Two women that were separated for forty years,  One was happily married to a loving husband raising two amazing kids,  But she was immersed in an affair with a younger man.  The other woman was on her second husband,  she has a fantastic career, with a loving husband that always wanted a family.

Both ladies thought they had everything, that they wanted. 

 On the life of living on capital Hill.  As being seen through Samatha Joyce's eye a twenty-six-year-old health care analyst to Ohio Junior Robert Gray She was a hard worker, idealistic completely competitive.

The harmony hotel promises to fix struggling marriages By the celebrity powerful couples Drs. Mills, and  Grace Markell, The last resort to help them fix their relationships in the luxury setting.  Ben and Joan thought they had a perfect marriage on the surface, but they haven't gotten to know each other. 

A young middle-aged woman proves that starting over doesn't have an age limit.  After twenty-fie years spent juggling husband, career, and kids with admirable success.  She finally realizes that her marriage and her job unexpectedly run in. 

Happy reading. 


  1. Wow!! I fell for every word of yours. Trust me, you write so professionally here

  2. Thank you for the lovely compliment and sharing the love.


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