Why your blog doesn't have direction for success.

 Have you ever felt when starting a blog on the right foot and now it is stuck in quicksand? You writing tons of blog post, You're promoting them. You're replying to comments like they were your best friend,  But nothing is working.

The more harder that you are working,  the more your struggle, the deeper you're sinking. You still wondering why? It might be a little harder for you to admit it at first.  Your writing could be a problem. Might have thought it was one of your main reason you are failing.

It might be that she is lazy, your mindset feels that you are going to be successful overnight.  You never learned how to promote your blog content, even your blog on social media platforms. Might say others are totally clueless when it comes to what improvements need to be made for their success. 

There is a blogger that does everything right but they are still stuck from time to time.   They work their butts off do \the imaginable to their blog, even their products so much more.  They are the master at networking with marketing some reason they are still failing. 

Let's think for one second you are building a brand you might have some people love it some don't love it and they are wanting to leave, another blog that actually has bitten the dust. 

Why do you suck at writing:

Imagen yourself sitting in front of someone and trying your best to have a conversation with. Trying to get them to purchase a new car, even sell themselves on this perfect home. 

It doesn't matter how are you are trying to convince them to purchase one or another.  Instead, you are arguing with the manufacturer.of a product that you are trying to convince them to make it.

Do You see the problem here:

You have robbed of your body language, your tone of voice, even your subtle reflection along with your facial expression too. Which is hopeful that you are going to change the person's mind of a topic that you have written about.  They are going to tell their friend and they tell their friends so on. 

You might think this is B.S:

Might say this is a lot of hot air. Your writing so many words and words, as long your audience and reader understand what they message it.  That is all that matters.  It is a moving blog post,  it made them feel like they should share it with their friends, They keep coming back for more.

They will subscribe to your feed, so they would miss any new post from your blog. much more.

Practice, Practice, Practice:

Tips to get more traffic:

Don't  Panic,  So if you are looking it you such as a writer, don't beat yourself up over it  It just takes a lot of practice to become a better writer. 

Filling your toolbox on writing:

Study the different styles of writing,, or even take a course on creative writing.  some of us have gone to school to learn the fundamental of writing but sometimes we do need a refresher from time to time. 

Write, Write, Write:

Putting in the hours, which is not glamorous work,  your writing will improve for the better over time. You will see your audiences and your reader starting to notice your style of writing,  They will start leaving comments, and in time will share your post as well. 

They will see how amazing your post are, you will start seeing a gain in your followers, the reader even your audience as well. 
