As Always Julia, The letters of Julia child & Avis Devoto

Written 200 letters between Julia and Devoto to create a masterpiece of learning the art of french food.

 With her bold personality, Julia's child was known around the world by her first name alone.  With all the familiarly and despite how much do we know about the inner side of Julia's child.  More than 200 love letter that was exchanged between Julia and Avis Devoto.

She was her friend and literary agent memorable on how the making of Julia and Julia the movie, was born.   It went into her deepest thoughts of Julia and feelings.  With the riveting corresponding, and seeing it in print for every first time, chronicles blossoming of a unique lifelong friendship between two women.

Which turned into a turbulent process of Julia's creation,  Master the Art of French Cooking  One of the best influential cookbook that was ever written.

Franky, funny, exuberant, and occasionally agonized love letter shows Julia as a new bride In Paris  To become increasingly worldly and adventuresome as she follows her diplomatic husband in her posting nice in  Germany, Norway commentary notes of the food historian John Reardon and his lack of topics covered as diverse by the wine in the united states.

That amazing letter shows America on the verge of political, social, and gastronomic transformation.

I'm reading the letter, I imagen myself writing this amazing cookbook on some of my favorite recipes.  and learning all the different types of wine that go with different kinds of foods.  To be able to travel the world and taste all the different foods, and learning many of the cultures that go along with it.

I conjure with the letter that Julia write to Davis, as she found her friendship to be amazing, The love that she had for her husband, how she supported him with all the political struggles that he was going through.

How she continued to write her masterpieces, and be the most favorite master chief that was even seen on television.    That taught millions of America how to cook French food.

I rate this book 5 stars  I would read it again, also share this book with others too.
