Self Made Madam CJ Walker

Amazing african black women, that developed a hair treatment, that given women the confidence and voice of thier legency.
Tv Series

I just finished watching this amazing series on Netflix,  Cj Walker was a poor African black women were born in the era of poverty and wearing everyone hands me downs, not having a lot of food to feed her family,  living in a struggling town where housing was not great.

She working endlessly washing other people's laundry just to make ends meet.  As her husband was never home working day in and day out in the fields, trying to provide for his family.  In his eyes, she was not worth anything,  her appearances weren't the best.

As she was sitting in front of the mirror, with tears coming down her cheek, wondering how she was going to do this.  How is she doing to find confidence in finding her voice?   To make something of herself.

As she received a knot on her door, from a cosmetic salesman, took on look at her and said what is worry and how could I help?   She said I can fix her hair, in turn, that you take care of my laundry for exchange for the treatments for your hair.

Over time she was tired of working her finger to the bones,  of doing other people's laundry,  she wanted to see if she could sell the hair treatment to others.  As she was standing in the farmer market, millions of people walked by not giving her the time a day to even take the first step in trying her hair product.

Until she took their telling her story, on how many African women don't have time to take care of themselves,  Even taking the time to take care of their hair, appearances,  their dream of being the kind of woman they are wanting to be.

Finding the power of their voice, confidence in being a successful woman.   Falling their dream of building an amazing product and build this amazing company to share with your family, and pass it down to their daughter, to keep your legacy alive.

To develop the product to create jobs to bring a better economy for all.  It was an empowering series,  That has brought the fire back into my soul, to follow my dreams with my blog, share my story with everyone.

and build a successful blog,   have the confidences, and power in my voice, live my own legacy to past down to my boys.

5 Stars,   One of the Best books, I have ever read, would read this again and share it with others.
