I thought I was a writer instead of a blogger.

My thoughts on how  as a writer to become a blogger .

I always wanted to write a letter to someone that I wanted to share my life experiences, One time be able to write a book about my family secrets.  There was a time life got in the way, for many years,  I never had the chance too.

I know somewhere I had a voice I wanted to share my thoughts, with my reader and become this famous blogger, and keep all kinds of money with blogging.   And turn my blog into a successful business one day. 

Then I realized that I was just comparing myself to others,  I tried all the strategies that other bloggers have master over the years,  and there tips that they shared.   Some of the tips were helpful,  some of them were difficult to keep up with.  

I was spending more time on the computer figuring out what was best for me, and how I was going to be managing my blog in a way that blogging is so much fun, working a lot smarter instead of harder.  

With all the books that I have read before I took the plunge with starting my blog,  Changing my concept several times.   Until  I realized that books are the way to go. I can write reviews on books I have shared my thoughts with others.  

To be me,  continue to write, read books, review them and work less, and be more productive in organizing my blog, and creating schedules that are tailored to my needs.  Life sometimes gets busy.  

What can I say about time, it is how you manage it and how productive you are,  The suggestion that I can give is to work on one thing at a time,  and not overwhelm yourself with other things until the tasked that you are working on is completed to your satisfaction.  Then move to something else to continuing working to achieve your goal. 

It is best to have a  plan in place before you take action on the next step in your writing your content.  I can tell you from experiences there are times when I didn't have anything to write about.  I haven't completed the current book that I am reading,  And I begin to write the review for the same book,  and I publish that post I just finished writing.  

The secret is just to be well rounded in your writing, and what you represent in your blog.  Laura JL's book of thoughts represents the books that I have read, some from my childhood, through ones through Oprah book club collection.  

And my reviews reflect the book that was read.  Reading has been part of my life from childhood into my adult years.  Reading is something that I enjoy, some of the books I'm passionate about.  Come and join me, with a cup of coffee join me within reading and discussing your favorite book. 

Thanks for listening, 
