Get Organized without Losing it

Learn how to be organized tips on how to managed your stuff by keeping it in order.
Jr Fiction

Your teacher continues to ask you why didn't you turn in your Homework?  The excuss is that I couldn't find it or the dog had eaten it for dinner.  The biggest one is my sister decided to make it her artwork?  So when you confront him, with this question, Why didn't you turn in your homework? 

The answer was given I couldn't find it.  I don't know where I put it.  I can not find anything in my backpack.  So I ask him, Why don't you organize your backpack? His response was I don't know how?  Have no clue where to start?

When I handed this book to him called Get Organized Without Losing it.    It was so cute to read even an adult can learn a few things from it.   It is written in a way that your child can understand the steps, learning the basic steps on how to become organized.

It is full of ways you can do it in managing your desk, school locker, other messes your backpack brings.  It gives you the basic steps along with the tools to help you be organized, you learn how to manages the way you organize. 

  • Manage how you put your stuff in order.
  • How you manage your time.
  • Have a plan for your homework
  • long term products
  • So that you would be able to take better notes.
  • Help you deal with the distractions, and much more. 

And finding helpful tips, memory tricks, and useful tips, help you learn the secret of getting ready for school each day, work too. So you won't be running to catch the bus in your pajamas.

You will not turn into a perfect organized person or kid overnight,  You will have less stress and more success at school, home, and in your life too. 

This was a cute and funny book that I enjoyed too, the picture was super cute, and really brought the point of view across in a very cute way so that younger children can understand the story and learn the basic concept of it. 

I rate it 5, one of the best book that I have read,  I would read it again, and share it with others too. 
