Creating A Reading List To Benefit Your Goals.

what kind of reading list do you want to create,  the steps of putting it together. to achieve your goals.
book blog 

I found these amazing ways to help you develop the best daily reading habit that fixes into achieving your reading goal.   It helps you organizes your reading of what you are wanting to read.  And prioritizes certain types of books over others according to pacific goals.  You need to figure out what kind of reading list that you would like.

What kind of list  do you want to create:

You're interested in learning new skills?  Or you are wanting to familiarize yourself with a particular genre, certain authors, or writing styles?  Are you creating a bucket list of books that you are wanting to read?

Writing it down:

After figuring out what kind of list you are going to be creating.  Now is the time to fill it all in with books that you are wanting to read.   You can use a notebook, or your smartphone to create your list.   For me, I prefer to write it down on a piece of paper.

So if you believe that you are going to lose your list, after you have written it down. You might want to consider using a website called good reads, to help you create your list.  Another option that founds is that you can make a simple word or notepad document on your computer.

Writing down anything that might be helpful such as the author's name, the name of the book, even what genre of the book, and where to find it. ( local library, Amazon, etc.)

Add book that you always wanted to read but didn't have a chance to:

It is obvious, List all the books that you always wanted to read, but time has gotten in the way of doing so.  Like school assignments,  that you have missed,  popular or bestseller books have a chance to read.

Adding books that you want to reread:

You can add books that you would like to reread to your list: such as The prefect couple and the while chocolate meets, even the cupcake queen.

Adding books to your interested or hobbies:

We might want to add books around the interests and hobbies of your choice.  Or something that you are wanting to learn and a new skill. or want to improve on your writing,  How to start a blog too.  And add them to your list.

Add some classic to your list:

You will not go wrong with the classic.   Hemingway, then as them to your list.

Ask for a recommendation from family and friends:

YOur friends and family have a similar to you.  So ask them for a recommendation of interest that would properly give you some book ideas of interest.

Take a look at your bookshelf:

Looking at your bookshelf and finding books that you haven't read yet.   I'm guilty of this.  I purchased a book that I haven't read yet before, which adds up to more books.  It might be a good idea to start reading some of them.  To make room for more books that will not be collecting dust.

Now it is your turn What are some of your favorite books that you have read?  What is your favorite author too?  Comment below.


  1. Your counsel on creating a workable reading list is practical and nice to apply. I love your advice on injecting some classics into the list. Thanks for sharing.

  2. your so welcome. I hope that you continue to read your favor it books.


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